Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Prepare Yourselves, My Children, I Am About to Call You by Name
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on November 16, 2024

Now everything is accomplished!
Beloved children, Jesus will soon manifest Himself in this place, all will see Him! All who attend,that day, will be graced with this great vision, will be embraced by the Most High and will be blessed forever.
I want to declare the end of this time, I want to declare the end of everything evil. Yes! We have come to the end, prepare yourselves, My children, I am about to call you by name. Just a little longer, the time is going by fast, you will suddenly find yourselves in a different situation, you will have joy in your hearts and a smile on your lips, you will enjoy everything the Lord promised you, you will live in a world full of new, beautiful and tasty things.
You will enter to visit the Universe, Jesus himself will take you by the hand and accompany you, He will show you everything that God the Father has created: the stars and all that the Universe contains, beyond that which is still unknown to man.
My children, you are but a speck of dust in the Universe, however, you are My jewels, you are dear to Me. I created you as a gift for Me, ...My gift! ...How much love! How much grace and blessing! Satan's curse was great, but God can do everything, God is the Higher Being.
Beloved children, the tectonic layers are moving frighteningly, the volcanoes are about to explode in unison, it will be a huge tragedy for this Humanity; man far from his Creator will find no shelter, he will find himself bewildered and in despair.
Today I renew My blessing on this Hill, on all of you who are present and you who follow from afar. I bless your homes, your families.
Source: ➥